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My artwork theme is a car. Whats obvious is the shape and shadow shows you its a car. First, I printed out a picture of the car. After that, I etched the car out onto the plastic glass with the etching stick. Finally, I was done etching and I proceeded onto inking the glass to make a print of the car. I chose the car for my example because it had good angles, a shadow, and detail that I thought would look good for the etching. I feel I reached my artist goals on this project. The only thing I have an idea I could've made better would be taking my time etching when I rounded some of the certain spots on the car. In this project I learned how to etch out a picture onto plastic glass. In conclusion I feel this was one of the most interesting art I've done this quarter, but I also feel if I chose a different picture/example it would've come out better. 

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